7 ‘Must-Know’ Chimney Tips and Tricks

  1. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. Remove the build-up of creosote and prevent those pesky chimney fires!
  2. Burn only dry, seasoned wood in your fireplace. Wet wood will produce more smoke and creosote!
  3. Always open the damper before lighting a fire. Allow the smoke to flow up the chimney to prevent your room from turning into a smokehouse!
  4. Invest in a sturdy mesh screen or glass doors in front of your fireplace. Prevent embers from escaping!
  5. Never leave a fire unattended! (duh!)
  6. Less wood is best! Avoid dangerous heat and smoke buildup.
  7. If you smell something funky, don’t ignore it – safely put out the fire and get your chimney inspected ASAP!
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